Walker Rainforest Wilderness

Photos and Movie by Hugh Perkins

Hear Wolves Howling During a Movie of the Walker Rainforest Wilderness (2.0 MB MPEG Movie download)

Looking North Into The Walker From Upper Holy Cross Creek


One Ancient Cedar-Hemlock Rainforest Stand in the Walker Wilderness


A Walker Wilderness Ancient Cedar Rainforest Grove in Fall


Endangered Mountain Caribou Habitat in the Walker Wilderness


Walker Rainforest Wilderness Salmon-Grizzly Stream


Walker Rainforest Wilderness GIS, Showing Portion Protected Up To 2007 in Green, and STCL Proposed Area For Protection in Blue (2004 Inoperable Protected Not Shown)


Part of Walker Rainforest Wilderness GIS, Showing Old Growth Protected 2006 in Blue


Part of Walker Rainforest Wilderness Satellite View 2006


Part of the Walker Rainforest Wilderness Proposal 2005


The Walker Rainforest Wilderness is the largest unprotected wilderness area remaining within the world's only Inland Temperate Rainforest. It is part of the largest Core Area remaining in the Inland Rainforest outside of Parks that sustains 7 Premier Focal Species: Endangered Mountain Caribou, Grizzly Bear, Wolverine, Chinook Salmon, Cougar, Wolf, and Lynx. Additionally, the Walker Rainforest Wilderness is the largest remaining undeveloped watershed cluster in the entire Rocky Mountains where grizzly bears still feed on wild anadromous salmon.

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